Here in The United States of America, we live in a country whereby church is divided from state. This means the government is established independently from the moral philosophy & theology of citizen’s personal faith. We are free to choose, worship and religiously serve (or not serve religiously) anyway we see fit. Thus, the personal method citizens in this county choose to govern their salvation is totally independent from the laws of the land.
We are also one of the wealthiest and greatest military powerful countries in the world (unbelievable; still in the early 21century). Is this because of our method to separate religion/faith & law/government that we’re considered one of the best countries in the world? How long will this legacy last? With a government who can legally and successfully elect a leader such as Donald Trump into government office as President to run the land as he sees fit; one wonders where the boundaries of limitation finds resolution. We as a nation should remember and recall the reason The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was born unto this Earth. The Roman government was run through correspond and the corporation of the early church. Jesus actually came to divide the church from state. One could wonder of the wisdom behind the God-head of our nation who planted such a seed so deeply in humanity. This moral of church divided from state was not first thought about by humans alone… ponder this truth… think and consider such matters deep within your conscious.