It has a fancy, beautiful, sassy appearance and sound; World Peace. So far, yet so young it has such and naïve, ancient, pureness of a kind of dream; this image, which is not accomplished within our present history. What changes would we have to accomplish to establish World Peace? Will this mean no more hunger? Will it eliminate the idea of poverty or the poor? Or will the government crumble, nuclear weapons decease and military power reduce in revenue? Does it take a strong army to bring forth World Peace or more humility in the Church? If we look into history, specifically the Roman Era we see both church & state somewhat united. Today we have religious sect somewhat divided will it take world unity to bring the message of World Peace? Do we as humans need to grow into a one world mindset?
Honestly, I don’t have all the answers. However, there is a certain reality which I strongly feel will bring this dream to past. We as a species would be close to World Peace once every person on the face of the Earth have become spiritually developed and emotionally/mentally mature to find inner peace. We can grow to love thy neighbor as thyself when we are able to be in harmony within our own mind & body. The question becomes what does it take for each person to find peace within themselves, thus; inner peace? When one lifestyle brings him/her solitude then one can embrace individually philo love unconditionally within one’s environment. Philo love for thy brother and agape love for Him, God who stands alone as the only force capable of performing such a massive emotion. Nevertheless, one consciously in harmony within one body can achieve collectively what every human desire if we start with each human body individually one at a time. This is the small raindrops which falls to form an enormous larger body of water; an ocean of love.