It touches our ears, the wind, which moves pass us to let us know life. It breaks through the silence; the emptiness within the voices of unwanted souls. There are those who are unloved, undesired, not attractive enough, and less important. Humans which seem to reflect the waste within humanity; is this possible?
Think about it for a moment, are there any humans who are not worth the precious gift of life? Is it conceivable, does anyone, but God, decides who are not worth living, loving…saving? The moments pass and another death enter through the gates of time. It could be a “John Doe”. How are we able to consider the concept of a “John Doe”, an unknown person? It could be a hungry child, an innocent life which bites the dust.
They pass into the next life because this world did not think enough of them to feed them food. The mindset that Mother Nature does not provide enough food for all life form upon this Earth pompously wrong; yet and still people die of starvation, a hunger cry to hear another voice of one whom loves them. Perhaps another moment pass and another homeless elder finish their time upon this Earth, thus: it will not be my Mother or Dad.
Who will be those unloved and forgotten soul, “Eleanor Rigby”, let’s make another Beatle’s hit. What does all of this jaguar have in common? What is the meaning of these thoughts? If we sit still for a moment and pause, carry our being into a higher level of conciseness, simply wait within the traffic of our days as a working class American; middle class parent, civilized citizen, a human being. If we pause for a moment within our daily lives and pray, we may touch far more than we can comprehend, further out than the areas of clouds.
Do we have the patience or capacity to connect this intimately with another human being? Not just a lover, but a stranger; not just a love one, but a neighbor, our emptiness within our community, can we feel them? Do we want too? Are we willing? Can we have the patience to touch someone afar daily simply through a prayer? Do we care enough to? Besides, if some of us did could that make a difference, cause a change, have a ripple effect? It would be interesting to simply try and find out.