THE FRUIT GARDEN: PERSERVERANCE: THE ROOT OF SALVATION No one does a swan dive into falling in love with Jesus. They most likely fall awkwardly, clumsy, withheld, as stumbling over branches on the ground, and falling against their own effort. Without much grace; they fall down.
They are usually within a frantic state of mind, likewise, to a victim, such as a woman, screaming hysterically as if she was being attacked. However, the reality of their state of being is quite antagonistic. It is actually ironic that they’re being saved from condemnation of hell. This factuality does not ease the beauty, love and joy of becoming a Christian.
The nature is complex. The abrasiveness of the act reflects a human original sinful behavior; their natural state of humanity which is a desire to love their own sin. Learning how to untamed sinful habits, this is what appears awkward. The sin seems to be comfortable. The meaning behind this concept brings a solid and strong foundation to the building of one’s salvation; the root of why one fears God and wants to begin to carry their cross develops from this resistance.
We are all called to work out our salvation with fear and tremble. (Reflection Philippians 2:12). It is the gospel and the testimony of Jesus Christ which establish our salvation whereby one receives a firm rock to stand on. “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I (Apostle Paul) preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.
Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” Corinthians 15: 1, 2 NIV It is base on this truth in life that one may become a Christian and become a fighter within their thoughts, emotions, environment, physical nature and worldly realms. They fight through perseverance with their entire soul and their lives straight into eternal light (eternity). This daily and lifetime battle reflects a battle and journey which the United States’ military only dream about. Through this transformation within one’s life, within our lives; we become as Sons of God, and daughters of Zion, to be brought higher into heavenly plains.
We are exalted by The Holy Spirit, not of our own effort, which gives us the zeal to interact in this life here on Earth. This zeal is our fire. Through continuous perseverance we are saved and the light of salvation through The Holy Spirit burns within us. This is the art of God’s Hands within a Christian soul.