Who is man that God is so mindful of him? Think this scripture through. What task has humans come upon sense walking the face of this Earth? We’ve managed to travel faster than the speed of sound; connected with elements of the air and used electricity within the weather system to satisfy our own means for energy. We’ve build transportation which connects over 1000 of miles for our own personal pleasure to commune over a railroad system. We’ve managed to share the eye view of the skies as the birds do through air-crafts, helicopters and space-crafts; we actually adopted the characteristic of a bird to learn how to fly. We traveled to witness the deep mysteries under and between massive bodies of water.
Who is man that God should consider him? Are we worth the knowledge of our creator? Today we can communicate across the entire globe in matters of minutes. Language barriers does not block our connection to grow in technology, knowledge, gain information, store data and mature mentally as a species, teaching our children the past and our children’s children where human history originated. When I think of the goals which the human race have reached and rise above, it amazes even me. Why would God not care about such achievements? He is a just God who can relate and grasp the concepts of good moral and great accomplishments. It was the relationship with Him which established all these matters. He can appreciate the art.