The relationship aspect of communicating with God is vertical. There is a concept of horizonal behavior towards our fellow man. Nevertheless, the understanding established when approaching God is creation towards creator. His ways are not as our ways. His viewpoint in life is greater than the perspective which we see in life. He does not change to accommodate with us. We need to change to comply with His way of thinking. This is the main point for most people who miss the mark of commune with The Force of Nature. Because His ways are higher than our ways. We must adopt to His mannerism if there is going to be any level of communication.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not my ways’, This is the Lord’s declaration, ‘For as heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts’”- Isaiah 55: 8&9
It is because one is wanting God to comply with them that they are not praying with the proper mental intend.
When we think of right and wrong, we do not see the entire picture the same way God does. Our finite mind which knows that two plus two must be four is compliance to the logic of numeral value. However, the same meaning of seeing something as pure or clean or knowing it to be long and/or eternal we miss the mark to put the proper value within the message. Our words only weigh as much as our perspective of using them. If we do not understand from this depth of perspective, then by nature we miss the mark of completing ourselves before God. We are not going to connect with the Grace in knowing Him. By default, we must pray for mercy. It is the only reasonable way to approach the creator. Within this mindset of thinking we start comprehending in a higher level of consciousness. It is important to pause and address God in due respect which He rightfully deserves. This perspective in life gives way to open doors or proper communication between humans and their creator. Then we are able to grasp the depth of being resurrected with the destiny of eternal life within the gated of Heaven