“See, Lord, how distress I am! I am in torment within, and in my heart I am disturbed, for I have been most rebellious. Outside, the sword bereaves; inside, there is only death. People have heard my groaning, but there is no one to comfort me. All my enemies have heard of my distress; they rejoice at what you have done. May you bring the day you have announced as they may become like me.
We see our culture. We see innocent people being shot and killed. We watch political battle over abortion. We understand millions of people living with a drug dependency & addiction. We see loved ones die from some form of cancer. We watch strangers die from starvation. We see lonely people live homeless. We hear about young women used for sex trafficking. We notice young children suffering from child abuse. We are aware of beautiful women living in domestic violence. We watch military heroes die in senseless wars… meaningless wars…. confusing, dark, morbid, foolish, and unacceptable wars. Why in any God given world does it make sense to kill each other within our species in an understanding of a war? There are five stages at an individual level for living in grief- denial, anger, bargaining, depression & acceptance. There is a psychological effect for an individual growing through mental trauma. To grasp the level of human suffering exposed to any individual of a given generation one must wrap their minds around what is acceptable measure of grief. How much time do the human race need to heal?
We see the crucifixion within our history. Through all generations here on Earth, despise American’s slavery, Jewish holocaust, or national genocide, we see no greater suffering done to any individual human than we see given at the crucifixion. We are somewhere pass two thousand years from this event. In our present generation we are waiting and anticipate an ending, a judgement, a revelation. Yet, I tell you a generation for lamentations is what needs to transpire prime.